About me

As a cryptocurrency professional, I am deeply passionate about the potential of this revolutionary technology to change the world for the better. My expertise lies in trading, marketing, and software development, and I am constantly working to stay on the cutting edge of this rapidly evolving field.

In my trading activities, I use my knowledge of market trends and technical analysis to make informed trades that maximize my returns. I am always on the lookout for new investment opportunities, and I have a proven track record of success

In terms of marketing, I am experienced in creating and executing effective strategies for promoting new projects and increasing adoption of existing cryptocurrencies. I have a strong understanding of the unique challenges and opportunities presented by the crypto space, and I use this knowledge to help businesses and individuals navigate this complex landscape.

Finally, as a software developer, I am dedicated to building robust and user-friendly platforms that make it easy for people to use cryptocurrencies in their everyday lives. I have experience working on projects related to exchanges, wallets, and other infrastructure, and I am always eager to take on new challenges and explore new areas of the industry.

Overall, my goal is to be an integral part of the ongoing development and growth of the cryptocurrency industry, and to help make this powerful technology accessible to as many people as possible.

Daily work on stability and security
  • High level of security
    For nodes we use reliable cloud providers in Central Europe, as well as our own equipment in the data center in Moscow. The principle of "hot standby" is used for node uptime, when a node is duplicated between the providers and its own center.
  • Fast and immediate support
    Nodes are monitored using Prometheus metrics and Grafana dashboards. There is also an alert system in the form of a telegram bot that sends notifications in case of critical incidents. Security and high availability are top priorities.
  • Individual Approach
    The work is carried out according to the principle of individual approach to each project. This method allows us to succeed in solving any level of problems. The main thing is quality, not quantity.
This is a list of current active test networks in which I participate as a validator or node operator.
Active Testnets

Finished Testnets

This is a list of completed Testnets in which I have participated as a validator or operator.
  • Rebus
  • Stride
  • Quai
  • Forta
  • Aptos
  • Zeitgeist
  • Streamr
  • Hopr
  • Near
  • KYVE


This is a list of projects where there are no full-fledged testnets yet, or waiting for the next phase
  • Subspace
  • Bundlr
  • Neutron
  • Bifrost
  • Espresso
  • Obscuro
  • Web3auth
  • Entropy
  • Penumbra
Ambassador program
Professional editor, copywriter. I thoroughly understand the material before I write an article. I explain complicated things to the audience in simple language. I also write instructions to "complicated" things for the average person, thereby expanding the audience of the project. No copywriting, only author's content.
I help create branding for new companies or rebranding. I am constantly developing and do not stand still in terms of 3d graphics. I use professional software complexes such as Adoube Photoshop and Affter Effects.
Social media
Writing articles, rendering videos, creating infographics is cool! But! If there's no one to show it to, all the effort was in vain. That's why I work in social networks and promote my content.
Video graphics
Discord: Anatoliy#9670
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